Ruling Planet: Mercury(बुध)

Gemini(मिथुन राशि)

Name Letters: का, की, कु , के, को, घ , ड़ , छ , हा


Best Traits: Quick-witted, curious, original, resourceful and adventurous

Gemini is an air sign that is full of ideas and plans. Your sign is known for being two-faced, but really it’s just that you can see all angles of an idea and so it’s hard to pick just one and stick with it. Easily bored or distracted, you need a life that is engaging with ideas that you find fascinating. Your ruling planet is chatterbox Mercury, which governs writing, communicating and the swift processing of ideas.


It’s not always easy to pace yourself through your need for practical things, like balancing your finances and responding to emails in a timely fashion, when there’s so many fun distractions calling your name. The power of Gemini lies in being smart and mobile, and that means that having a career that engages you mentally while not getting bogged down with repetition is ideal. You’re a problem-solver who needs to be excited about the tasks that make up your days in order to shine like the star you are.


In love you’re a hard one to pin down, Gemini. You have ideas about what you’re looking for that are based on how you’re feeling right now—a thing that is easily subject to change. You lose interest easily, and if anything is going to keep your attention, it’s sharp intellect or an interesting sweetie. Boredom is the kiss of death in your relationships, so do your part to keep things interesting, active and engaged.


It’s not uncommon for your sign to get distracted from the people that matter most to you, as you have a tendency to juggle too much at once. The good news is that you’re excellent at pulling magic together at the last minute, so if anyone can manage the needs of family in tandem with a busy life, it’s you, Gemini. When it comes to family planning, it’s important to consider what you’re willing to give up in order to make room for the needs of your loved ones.


People love you, Twin Star, but in order to make friends you can really trust, you need to slow down. You’re a great talker and listener but get easily distracted, and that can make you come off as disinterested. Know that you need friends for just spending time with and others for getting real with. It’s OK if they’re different people, but they don’t have to be.

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